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Essay on unemployment in pakistan

Essay on unemployment in pakistan

essay on unemployment in pakistan

Aug 07,  · Unemployment is a massive social issue in Pakistan which threatens to disrupt the national social fabric of country. It is a major cause of other social problems like poverty, illiteracy, street crime etc. A concerted and coordinated effort of all stakeholders is needed to tackle the menace of unemployment in Pakistan Unemployment In Pakistan Essay. Words5 Pages. Pakistan is facing many challenges from the lack of access to basic health care services, to poverty, illiteracy, women’s low status, unhygienic water supplies and sanitation and the most important problem Pakistan is facing is unemployment. Pakistan has one of the highest unemployment rate in the world The main reason for unemployment in Pakistan is Terrorism which damages country growth. Many investors are running away from Pakistan due to terror activities. Especially in Karachi it is difficult to run any business because of the situation there is alarming for everyone

Unemployment In Pakistan Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

The problem of unemployment in our country has become a national problem. It is difficult to estimate the number of people who are unemployed but not counted in official statistics. It has affected educated classes as well as educated masses, machine workers as well as the tillers of the soil. Broadly speaking, there are three important phases of unemployment in our country. The first and foremost phase of this problem is the countrywide unemployment among the educated class of people.

There are thousands graduates in Pakistan for the absorption of which no adequate demand exist. Pale and spectra-thin these white collars passed from street to street tapping at various offices from dawn to dusk only to be told that there is no vacancy.

The second phase of this problem is industrial unemployment. The post-war slump and decontrol, the enforcement of prohibition and heavy taxation, introduction of new mechanical processes and labour saving devices, frequent strikes and lockouts and the cycle of recurring depressions in trade and commerce have resulted in thousands of mill and factory labourers being thrown out of employment.

There is implicit unemployment in agriculture. Those attached with agricultural are seasonally essay on unemployment in pakistan as the harvest season finish, the period of unemployment starts. The unemployment problem in Pakistan has become very serious in the recent years. The economic well-being of the country depends greatly upon the solution of the problem of unemployment.

Countries like England, France and USA are also facing the problem of unemployment. Unemployment is a big waste of manpower. It means that while the people are willing to work, they have no work to do. It is a sort of forced idleness.

Unemployment is one of the most important reasons of poverty and backwardness in Pakistan. The number of job seekers on the live register of employment exchanges shows an even increasing unemployment. It is also notable that there are no employment exchanges in the rural areas to register the unemployed in the villages.

In the rural areas also millions of people are either fully unemployed or semi-unemployed. The reasons for regional inequalities are complex, but one explanation lies in the concentration of particular industries in particular areas. People without skills or qualifications find it more difficult to secure employment, essay on unemployment in pakistan, since jobs of the vacancies which exist are for skilled workers. Related to this, essay on unemployment in pakistan, manual workers are more likely to be unemployed than non-manual workers.

People start to feel that they are on the scrap heap of society and that they have essay on unemployment in pakistan to offer, or that society has no need of their talents and abilities.

Unemployment is a social stigma and leads to feeling of inferiority complex and failure. People who are out of work also feel isolated, missing the social life at work and avoiding people out of embarrassment.

Unemployment causes problems for community and for society as a whole as well as for individuals and families. Communities become demoralised by the high proportion of people who are out of work and no employment is available. Poverty also leads to physical deterioration of properties and empty factories or warehouses have a feeling of a no-go area.

Commercial and shopping facilities are also affected and big supermarkets are reluctant to open branches in the areas, where people have no money to spend. The level of crime and vandalism in poor districts may be caused by the unemployment, although this relationship is difficult to prove conclusively.

Someone who is unemployed already need not fear losing his job. Unemployed people cannot pay large fines, although obviously they still can be fined. For essay on unemployment in pakistan young people, there is even a feeling that being sent to prison but not make much essay on unemployment in pakistan to their lives.

Increased pressure on health and social services and our police means increased costs for society as a whole. The cost to society of such events is immeasurable; although the direct cost of unemployment can be calculated. Unemployment is an issue of national concern and there are initiatives and programs could forward to alleviate the situation.

Unemployment is a massive social issue in Pakistan which threatens to disrupt the national social fabric of country. It is a major cause of other social problems like poverty, illiteracy, street crime etc, essay on unemployment in pakistan. A concerted and coordinated effort of all stakeholders is needed to essay on unemployment in pakistan the menace of unemployment in Pakistan. Difference between De facto and De Jure Recognition. Challenges to Democracy in Pakistan.

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Essay on Unemployment in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences and Solutions | StudyBix

essay on unemployment in pakistan

Aug 07,  · Unemployment is a massive social issue in Pakistan which threatens to disrupt the national social fabric of country. It is a major cause of other social problems like poverty, illiteracy, street crime etc. A concerted and coordinated effort of all stakeholders is needed to tackle the menace of unemployment in Pakistan Nov 26,  · Today I’m going to discuss about the unemployment in Pakistan. Unemployment is one of the biggest problem In Pakistan. That person in unemployed who has ability to do work and Is willing to do work but is unable to get job opportunity in the current situation more than , peoples are unemployed in Pakistan and unemployment ratio 12% in Pakistan. UNEMPLOYMENT IN /5(6) Unemployment In Pakistan Essay. Words5 Pages. Pakistan is facing many challenges from the lack of access to basic health care services, to poverty, illiteracy, women’s low status, unhygienic water supplies and sanitation and the most important problem Pakistan is facing is unemployment. Pakistan has one of the highest unemployment rate in the world

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